Being part of the largest humanitarian movement in the world is to have the responsibility to act for the continuation of a mission, although some utopian, mission, doctrine and ideals of the Movement is to seek out a dream, that of Peace peace amongst all peoples.
"Proclamation National Societies of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the International Committee of Red Cross and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent movement together constitute a global humanitarian whose mission is to prevent and alleviate all the circumstances, the human suffering, protect life and health and ensure respect for the human person, in particular in times of armed conflict and other emergencies, to try to prevent disease and promote health and social welfare, encouraging volunteer work and the availability of members of the Movement and a universal sense of solidarity towards all those in need of protection and assistance. "
Origins of World Day Red Cross and Red Crescent We must go back to 1922, shortly after the First World War ended. In the Czech Republic in t Slovakia - which were then a single state, Czechoslovakia, the National Society proclaimed a truce for three days at Easter, in order to promote peace. An eminent political figure of the time summed up perfectly the aspirations that led to this initiative: "Our Red Cross wants to prevent diseases to avoid having to cure them, you also prepare our society to prevent wars, instead of having to bear its serious consequences. We all know how important the moral energy that creates and propagates the Red Cross to all sectors of the population. If the action that unfolds each year could reach the whole world, what major work in favor of peace could do! "Is not it a foreshadowing of what would later become the World Day of Red Cross and Red Crescent? Unfortunately, while this initiative - known as the Red Cross Truce "- had a great impact among the public, was greeted with skepticism by the leaders of National Societies. Therefore, the XIV International Conference of the Red Cross set up an international commission to study the Cross Truce Red. This body, which presented the results of its deliberations to the XV International Conference held in Tokyo in 1934, noted in his report "... that approving the principle of the Truce and considered it appropriate to generalize their application, noting, in doing so, the specific idiosyncrasies of each region. "It was not until 1946, long after the end of the Second World War to implement the proposal Tokyo. In fact, during the fourteenth session of the Governing Council of the League of Red Cross Societies, which would later be called General Assembly of the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent, was entrusted to that body that "... explore the possibility of declaring an international day of the Red Cross, held on the same date by all National Societies. " Two years later, in 1948, with the approval of the Executive Committee of the then League is held for the first time worldwide the Red Cross Day on May 8, the anniversary of the birth of Red Cross founder Henry Dunant. Day change several times to appeal to become the 1984 World Day of Red Cross and Red Crescent. "
Volunteer service: the essence of humanitarian action Joint Statement of President of the International Federation Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Committee Chairman Red Cross on the occasion of May 8, 2011.
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