I. What is the Peruvian Red Cross?
The Peruvian Society of the Red Cross, also called Peruvian Red Cross, is a stable organization of individuals and corporations, autonomous, open-ended, with legal personality and their own nonprofit, outside partisan political activity or religious faith and is incorporated under the laws of the Republic. It was founded on April 17, 1879. The Peruvian Red Cross, is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent, and was recognized by the International Committee of the Red Cross on May 8, 1880, a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent from on June 17, 1919, signing their respective laws, adhere to the Geneva Conventions, and the Seville Agreement, be regarded as the only Red Cross Society which operates on the Peruvian territory. The Peruvian Red Cross, civil service is considered voluntary auxiliary branches of government in the humanitarian field, acting within the Movement's Fundamental Principles and in accordance with the provisions of the Geneva Conventions, is officially recognized by the Peruvian Government by an official document dated May 2, 1879 and ensured its full independence by Decree Law No. 21,922, which guarantees the autonomy that they meet the organizations of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent . The Society of the Peruvian Red Cross guide its work by the principles of international humanitarian law and adapt their actions to the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross. II. How did the Peruvian Red Cross?
The April 3, 1879, Peru was embroiled in a war with Chile. The next day Members of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, developed a project to create the Central Board of Peru civilian ambulance. On 17 April, the Supreme Government approved the project and elected Bishop José Antonio Roca and Bologna. In May 1879, the government issued two decrees to include Peru in the Geneva Convention of August 22, 1864. On April 30, 1880 the Swiss Federal Council decree that Peru was incorporated in the agreement. Peruvian Society of the Red Cross was then recognized by the International Committee of the Red Cross on May 8, 1880, being therefore, the oldest in the Americas.
III. "The Peruvian Red Cross is a government agency or NGO?
The Peruvian Red Cross as part of the International Red Cross has a special nature. NGOs can not be considered but not as a government agency, its action is based on the Geneva Conventions and other agreements with other parties to the International Movement of Red Cross and the ICRC and the IFRC.
The Peruvian government has delegates with voice and vote in the National Assembly of the Peruvian Red Cross is the supreme organ of the association, but perimiter turn should act on the fundamental principles of the Red Cross to maintain its autonomy, for carry out its humanitarian work.
In this regard the support of state and government should be selfless, without political pressure, or labors of interest because it is understood that compliance with the fundamental principles and humanitarian law, allows for better action for the good of humanity.
The NGOs are private organizations, not institutions or governments are the result of an intergovernmental agreement. The Red Cross can support as an intermediary between the government and NGOs for humanitarian always based on core principles.
The Red Cross support both state and private organizations should be in the humanitarian efforts to maintain its impartiality, independence and neutrality.
IV. "I'm not doctor, or health personnel, I can volunteer Peruvian Red Cross?
Yes, you can volunteer. Can be Red Cross volunteers every citizen who shares the principles and ideals of the movement in its humanitarian action. One of the principles of the Red Cross is voluntary, for it makes the call to all people without distinction, to form part of the largest humanitarian movement in the world. To volunteer just to share with the fundamental principles of movement are: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality. There are several areas that could work besides voluntary health cone, such as: Education, communications, administration, logistics, information, projects, etc psychology. Even such complex subjects as science and philosophy.
V. Does being a Red Cross volunteer is similar to volunteer civil defense or fire?
No, both the Civil Defence volunteers as the Volunteer Fire Corps General of Peru has its definite action by the Peruvian government and are public institutions. In the Red Cross are auxiliaries to the public but autonomous. Act in accordance with the Fundamental Principles that govern the movement. Our humanitarian action is in several areas such as Health, Youth, Volunteer, teach competence and Relief.
VI. Who can belong to the Peruvian Red Cross?
Since its inception the Peruvian Red Cross was composed of civilians and military personnel, including religious, academic, professional or technical in any area, children and young people, students, workers, employees etc. Ie all persons who share the principles and ideals of the movement. Some examples in the beginning we have the Bishop José Antonio Roca y Boloña (Religioso Católico); Doctor Manuel Odriozola (Medico Catedrático de la UNMSM); y Doctor José Casimiro Ulloa (Medico de las Fuerza armadas), los que conformaron la primera directiva de la Cruz Roja Peruana que es la primera Cruz Roja de América.
VII. ¿Soy voluntario de otra institución (ONG, Bombero, Defensa Civil, Iglesia, Organismos Público o Privado), puedo pertenecer a la Cruz Roja Peruana?
Sí. Para ser voluntario de Cruz Roja no existen impedimentos solo basta actuar de acuerdo a los principios fundamentales, como lo indica el estatuto de la Cruz Roja Peruana que dice: “Son Voluntarios people of any age who volunteer and supportive, occasionally or regularly, while respecting the principles and rules of the institution contribute to fulfill the mission and who have signed the registration form and letter of commitment. "Additional to that in a society must also comply with its laws and in that sense voluntary standards also govern the laws of each state. At Red Cross we first formed in the respect for fundamental principles, there is a Basic Institutional Training (FIB) to accerder volunteering as Red Cross. However, in the training stage one can already do voluntary work based on their knowledge prior to admission in Red Cross, but are specific topics. After the FIB can make the volunteer wearing the distinctive emblems and uniforms of the National Society provided in accordance with the Fundamental Principles.
VIII. Does the Red Cross volunteer was born in the fields of battle, I Prepare for actions of armed conflict? Yes
Red Cross was born on the battlefields, the Peruvian Red Cross was no exception and was formed in the early Pacific War. Therefore it is necessary to be able to support armed conflict respect international humanitarian law and fundamental principles our humanitarian at all times. States should support the preparation of both armed forces and police, raising awareness of the uses of humanitarian emblem of the Red Cross in different types of conflict even social unrest caused by conflicts that do not have to regret missing are human beings who are.
IX. "I can not do anything, I can be a volunteer?
s The volunteers have different tasks and doing nothing is not one of them, there's always something to do, if you know something teach and train you to be able to collaborate in the best way, what matters is the spirit humanitarian help others is the basis of fundamental principles. The form of volunteer work is all manual and intellectual so no excuses.
X. How is training a volunteer from the Peruvian Red Cross?
A volunteer is trained according to their vocation and skills in certain areas as health (first aid, HIV, blood donation, etc.), relief (risk prevention, telecommunications, etc.), Volunteering and youth ; (projects, community education, environment, dissemination of humanitarian principles and values, etc.), on many occasions are invited to conferences and national and international events with the participation or other organization worldwide Red Cross and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for specific projects. The training also gives nationally with the joint participation of various institutions both public and private humanitarian purposes.
XI. Does it cost the Red Cross training in Peru?
volunteer training in basic and intermediate training does not cost anything but a replica commitment by volunteers trained. There are specific courses and workshops that may well be part of projects and have specific requirements as well as a cost. On the other hand, the Peruvian Red Cross has a training school that is addressed to the general public rather than voluntary, which provides theoretical specific practical issues, and is a source of income for the operational part of the institution, which has a social cost .
XII. Who funds the Peruvian Red Cross?
The Red Cross resources mainly from voluntary donations and selfless individuals or institutions who share the principles of motion, public collection, the contributions of members, the teaching of courses or services to individuals.
XIII. Have I noticed that when global disaster the Red Cross donates huge in medicines, food, water, tents, clothing, from where its resources?
To address situations of great emergency and natural disasters, acts in coordination with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and other National Red Cross or Red Crescent in the world . It also has the support of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), founder of the International Organ Red Cross and Red Crescent. All parts of the movement are supported by grants mainly in common and selfless people who share the principles and ideals of the around the world, it is through them that Red Cross is committed to humanitarian respect the Fundamental Principles, and is the because of the phrase "the power of humanity" and "together for humanity."
XIV. Would you like to be a volunteer but I have little time?
To be volunteer time you put it. At the beginning you need to have basic institutional training, and you need time for the different training given, which will assume commitments for the good of the most vulnerable. In emergency situations or disasters your support volunteer should have sufficient preparation to respond to the needs that have in the area.
XV. Is there any difference to be a member and volunteer for the Peruvian Red Cross?
Members are volunteers who have partnered with the Peruvian Red Cross. Associates enjoy a formal legal status and form the social base of the institution. Its membership is open to all without discrimination based on race, sex, religious beliefs, social class, nationality or political opinion.
XVI. I want to register as a volunteer to do?
You can approach the Red Cross branch in your city next. This blog is from the Peruvian Red Cross Lima Branch to register as a volunteer must:
1. Communicate with voluntariado_crpfl@yahoo.com E-mail indicating: full name, phone number, why you want to belong to the Red Cross.
2. In response to your e-mail inviting you to participate in the introductory lecture Red Cross, which is held once a month at our local institutional Avenida Caminos del Inca Avenue corner cdra.21 The Nazarene, Santiago de Surco.
3. After the introductory talk at the Red Cross you decide whether to participate in the process of training for volunteers (a) of the Peruvian Red Cross, formalizing their decision documented by attaching your resume, 1 passport size photo and copy of utility bill, water or telephone, from his present home.
4. We recommend you visit the virtual library for you to go prepared.
Any questions or queries please contact the Volunteer Department Peruvian Red Cross Lima Branch, Av Roads Inca cdra. 21, Santiago de Surco. Email: voluntariado_crpfl@yahoo.com
XVII. Do I have an additional question to whom do I contact?
Any additional questions you can approach the branch nearest Red Cross in your city or send an email to comunicaciones_crpfl@yahoo.com
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