Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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October ... Storytelling

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cansauna Make A Cold Worse

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Matinee at the Leon Trotsky Museum .... 69

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Funny Ideas For Church Anniversary Celebration

World Bird Festival October 2009

What is the World Bird Festival?

is a global event organized by BirdLife International and held in over 88 countries across five continents. In Mexico, many institutions have participated in this event for over a decade and nationally more than 10 states in Mexico have been involved in some way. In Mexico City for several years (1998-2002), the festival was CIPAMEX by (at the time an official partner of BirdLife) and in collaboration with various institutions were able to perform outreach and educational activities that promote awareness and conservation of birds in our community.
Currently the festival is highly relevant in the State of Mexico, where the School of Advanced Studies of the UNAM Iztacala coordinates with various educational and governmental institutions, the annual festival. Next year the colleagues of the State of Mexico celebrate the tenth anniversary of this event.
In this context, the Ministry of Environment of the Federal District, through the Department of Education Environmental, brought in 20 metropolitan level institutions to celebrate the World Bird Festival in October 2009.

What are the objectives of the festival and at what age is it for?
- Strengthen local level (Metropolitan Area of \u200b\u200bMexico), the World Bird Festival, as a dynamic event and conduct various educational activities focused on knowledge and conservation of birds.

- awaken the interest of the community especially children and young people
birds and the importance of conserving their habitat.

- To strengthen and consolidate a network of organizations and individuals engaged
in the conservation of birds in the MCMA.

Our target audience is school groups basic education (primary and secondary) and medium (high), as well as individuals or civil society organizations interested in conserving their environment and committed to participate in particular actions that have an impact at local.
In the State of Mexico, last year had an average participation of 10,000 people during the festival. We are evaluating the potential impact of the event by adding all current locations, taking into account that some of them receive an average of 1,200 people in a weekend (Museum of Natural History and Culture Environmental June 2009).

Who is involved in the 2009 version of the festival?
The notice sent in mid-February 2009, succeeded in bringing together 17 entities of the Federal District and the State of Mexico, to join efforts and have a better outcome of the event.

spaces where they carry out the activities of the festival are:
- EcoGuard Environmental Education Center, Middle Ajusco (Sec. Environment DF)
- Acuexcomatl Environmental Education Center, Xochimilco (Mexico City Environment Section )
- Yautlica Environmental Education Center, Iztapalapa (Secretaria del Medio Ambiente DF)
- Museum of Natural History and Culture Environment, Bosque de Chapultepec (Sec. Med Amb DF)
- Xochimilco Ecological Park (Board of PEX)
- Ecological Park in Mexico City, Ajusco (Pronatura, AC)
- Chapultepec Zoo (Sec. Environment DF)
- San Juan Aragon Zoo (Sec. Environment DF)
- Zoo Coyotes, Coyoacán (Sec. Environment DF)
- Nursery Coyoacán (CICEANA, AC)
- Graduate School of Iztacala, Tlalnepantla, Edo. of Mexico (UNAM)
- Ecological Center and Environmental Education Site Arcos, Tepotzotlán Edo. Mexico (Secretariat of Environment, State of Mexico)
- Center of Ecotourism and Environmental Education "Sierra de Gaudalupe" Coacalco, Edo.
of Mexico (Ministry of Environment, State of Mexico)
- Ecological Center "La Rinconada", Sierra de Patlachique Acolman.
of Mexico (Ministry of Environment, State of Mexico)
- Bosque de San Juan de Aragon, Gustavo A. Madero (Sec. Environment DF)
- Zoo Zacango, Metepec, Edo. Mexico (CEPANAF)
- Xochitla Ecological Park, Tepotzotlán, Edo. Mexico (Xochitla Foundation, AC)

What activities are planned for the festival?
Overall activities will be performed are:
- bird-watching walks in parks and protected areas of the MCMA.
- informative talks on diversity and conservation of birds of the MCMA
- Educational workshops for children and adults
- Exhibition of raptors
- Fairs environmental (explanatory materials)
- Film Series: the ecological importance of birds and their conservation
Each site has organized its activities according to their logistical capabilities and time to consult The detailed program of each, return to the list of venues and make a click that to open the program selected. There you will find the appropriate contacts and specific information for you to communicate with them.