Monday, December 22, 2008

Mount And Blade Kamera


comment on the fundamental principles of the Red Cross (extracts)
by Jean Pictet

Note: These excerpts are from the book written by Jean Pictet is a reminder to all people who carry the emblems of the Red Cross, Red Crescent or Red Crystal about world. All volunteers, members or supporters of the Movement must always remember our great humanitarian. We constantly learn from our mistakes as human beings, we always strive to have our principles above any authority of any interest other than humanitarian. The Red Cross itself and is an ideal, the fundamental principles are our guide.

To all who read these excerpts are invited to belong to the Red Cross, without discrimination of any kind, calls only respect the fundamental principles in pursuit of our ideal for the good of humanity.

Humanity, Impartiality,
Neutrality, Independence ,
Volunteering Unity, Universality.

Introduction ...

"The work of the Cross Red was born of a high ideal, it goes without ceasing to draw new life. But as this work is done, above all, practical actions, often improvised, is a great risk that in the rush of gesture caritavito , despite the purity of intention to depart from the guidelines and that unity of thought it fails. "
" You see a weakening in the world of the spirit of service. Red Cross also suffers from it. This is because, first, for her, to reassess this spirit among its members. "
Humanity ...
"In the doctrine of the Red Cross, the principle of humanity, which the other principles are derived, but could not occupy the first place. Base of the institution, it traces, in turn, their ideal, their motives and aims . It is indeed the driving force behind the movement, the spark that ignites the powder, the force line of action. If the Red Cross Shall have a single principle would be that. "

"The main source of humanity is in social morality, which can be summarized in one sentence: do unto others what you want to do. This fundamental precept is, in almost identical form in All great religions: Brahmanism , Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism , Islam, Judaism, Taoism. It is also the golden rule of the positivists, who are not based on religion but on the data of experience, in the name of reason alone. In fact, it is necessary to appeal to emotional or transcendental notions to recognize the advantage that human beings have reciprocally improve their lot. "

" Humanitarianism is not a religion that is opposed to other religions, a moral opposed to other moral. But it fits with the precepts of not a few religions and not a few moral. It is one of the few areas where people of all persuasions can meet and shake hands, without betraying what is possibly more intimate and sacred. "

" In conclusion, the Red Cross movement together under its banner all those who want to serve, even when the deeper reasons for their commitment to be different. As he wrote Max Huber : the more different views of philosophy, religion and human experience enable man to reach the Red Cross idea, the moral principle that it embodies and demands action "

Fairness ...

" To end this section, reproduce, among a thousand possible, a vivid and very moving story that shows that, in the most opposite, the ideal of the Red Cross can succeed despite everything. In a country prey to civil war, the Supreme Court's prosecutor to arrest one of the leaders of the revolution. In retaliation, the rebel movement puts price on head of the prosecutor. However, the Ghana Red Cross receives a distress call: Urgent need to go to the next one seriously injured in the combat zone. Do not doubt, send an ambulance, despite the danger and saves. Who is hurt? He is the son of revolutionary leader arrested? Who drives the ambulance? She is the wife of the prosecutor who made arrest the father. Omnia vincit love (In love conquers all (Virgil ).) "Neutrality


" Neutrality does not in itself a moral value. There can be appreciated only in light of the circumstances. Acquires a moral issue and may even have greatness when it comes from a well-defined will, allowing an institution to implement its principles and faithfully fulfill its mission, this is precisely the case for the Red Cross.
In general, neutrality involves two elements: an attitude of abstention and the existence of individuals or opposing communities. But if the neutrality determines the attitude of the Red Cross or the warring ideologies, never determines their behavior toward human beings who suffer, because, first, the wounded do not attack each other. Furthermore, and especially the uniqueness of the Red Cross is doing and not remain passive "

Independence ...

" The Red Cross must reject also any pressure from social or economic nature. I could not admit that a class, an interest group or public opinion do you leave the path you trace your order. Similarly, I could not tolerate interference a financial power, or any order that you would like to impose, even indirectly, by means of money. The fact that the work lives, above all, donations can be made that this condition is very expensive. But no concession is admissible.

Thus, if the Red Cross is devoid of material power, is that weakness from which it draws its strength. States are confident that in a world dominated by interest, at least one institution escapes this law that in a world ruled by opportunism and compromise, the institution will act without ulterior motives, and that no will be provided to any intrigue that in a world torn by hatred, its sole criterion is the solidaridad.Por Finally, the Red Cross may not, for the same reasons, associated with another institution that does not respect, absolutely, moral and material independence. Because any deviation from its course of action may mean for her deadly consequences. And if the Red Cross works with other humanitarian organizations, is a condition that they consent, in the common work, the principles of the Red Cross

Volunteer ...

"Duty of philanthropy is to surrender completely to their peers, that ideal does not support deals, because they quickly lead commitments. So the Red Cross is a purely welfare institution. He has but one purpose: to alleviate human suffering, and, any other activity is subordinada.La Red Cross has no profit motive whatsoever. Gain does not appeal, but love your neighbor. It's like the trust of the donations it receives and that are, ultimately, for people who suffer. In a world where everything is bought and sold, it is noteworthy that an organization operate regularly and permanently, without the powerful stimulus of commercial gain. "
" Serving the Red Cross, is in some respects, cast votes . It bears repeating, because too many people, under pretext of serving the Red Cross, seek Above all, use it. However, as proclaimed Sophocles, a noble deed is reward in itself. Those who are animated by a genuine spirit of service will be happy making others happy. But do not look for no gratitude, most of the time, be disappointed. As Lossie also said there are acts of love for the unpredictable earnings. As he shows, the service allows to be released, said it is in fact a communication exchange. And all be required to participate in something that transcends, to communicate some of his greatness. "
" Here you will evoke especially in the word of some thinkers and servants of the Red Cross. After love, help is the most beautiful word in the world, says Bertha von Suttner , the great pacifist and inspiring Henry Dunant . Of course, any organization tends to effectiveness. But for the Red Cross worker, you need something more: the extra soul, mentioned Bergson.
serve means to give, to sacrifice a part of himself, of what one has, for others, wrote Jean-G. Lossie . According to him, it is necessary first to know, to find himself, only means of knowing and finding others. It is quite true that the bigger our inner wealth, our work will produce more fruit. If no light in us, how light their way? Also, you have to know what is served. The Red Cross needs
vocations. If your colleagues do not spurring an inner urge, if not know why they chose that route, you'd better be devoted to trade, a fortiori, if they seek fortune and honor. "
" The true worker Red Cross will disappear before the work that must be met, and their work will remain, often hidden, then learn to rise on the scale of vain honors is down as much on the scale of the actual values. The glory of the Red Cross is especially in dark heroism.
Moreover, it is found that the Red Cross mission is becoming more difficult and, for those working 'on the ground', even dangerous. In a world more and more fanatical, serving the Red Cross could mean risking your life.
In terms of an oath taken by members of the National Society to be of the Red Cross is putting his life in service of humanity, is to regard all men as brothers, is to feel their suffering as their own and do everything possible for relief, is to respect human life and be willing to risk own to save others, to condemn violence and want peace to be universal ... "

Unit ... " The Report Tansley considered that the Red Cross take sufficient account of community needs, especially in rural areas. In most countries, volunteers are in urban areas and face the traditional mistrust that farmers have for the people of the cities. Therefore, Dr. Pierre Dorolle advocates the existence of a "Red Cross barefoot", comprising volunteers who are "village." Thus, penetrate everywhere. "Universality

" The Red Cross is universal. That means it must be extended to all men in all countries, according to the formula of 1955. The first notion, extended to all, has an essential significance for the Red Cross ideal prescribes open its arms to all those who come for help. The principles of humanity and not involve discrimination of universality, as a natural and necessary. One of the features that give the Red Cross for their originality, and maybe your credit is to have implemented in their own field, so that universality often dreamed in the world, and so little done. "

Friday, December 19, 2008

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Ay overcame you and I saw, I saw that everything is born and something whole is lost or how to . Salgo of this well and I start everything from scratch , and now tips the scales, and I now ask ! I ask that you open all because I here again, whole or pieces but I . Go, go, go. I though I burn
fire, fire you took a dream and I nailed a spear into the heart. Oh I saw yesterday! oh so far away! (Oh!) Things without a name. Until it appeared, everything explodes ever. Parenco all standing. Oh! turned up the volume zero.
I ever seed buried alive and I can be the wise and pure flourish. Oh I saw yesterday! oh so far away! (Oh!) Things without a name. Until appeared, everything explodes sometime. Parenco all standing. Oh! turned up the volume zero. Km nameless things today; shake me! (Whole or pieces, 2000)

Monday, December 8, 2008


Come on, Come on, if clear. Discuss you of my desire . From the day he was born, in your mouth , the new temporary exploding. Outside my bowels
, follows in calm. Tried to explain that there is no turning back , talked, talked, all (Southpaw, 2002)

Friday, December 5, 2008

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Code of Ethics and Fundamentals of Voluntary Service


Different Societies of Red Cross and Red Crescent have asked repeatedly guidance and advice on how to act in regard to volunteers.
The XXIV International Conference of the Cross Red recommended to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Red Moon, within the limits of your plan and budget on the basis of information received, concerns were published guidelines on voluntary service. (Manila 1981, Resolution XIX )
The XXV International Conference Red Cross in Geneva in 1986 recommended that the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to provide support to National that they might seek assistance to develop rules regarding their policy on volunteers. (Geneva 1986, Resolution XXIII )
Several National Societies have held conferences, seminars and workshops and published papers and books on this question. The First World Conference on Voluntary Service Cross and Red Crescent held in Mexico in March 1983.
In World Meeting on Volunteerism held in Mexico in 1990, called for the Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies prepared a "Code of Ethics " to all the volunteers who are part of motion and serve it. This document has been prepared by the Social Work Service of the Federation, with the help of Mrs . Yolanda Leganoa - Jacob , generously put at the disposal of the Federation for American Red Cross. For its preparation has benefited from the contribution of several members of the National Societies.
hope that this "Code of Ethics and Fundamentals of Voluntary Service, which has been approved by the Fourth Meeting of Health and Community Services, will serve to generate debate in the National Societies to contribute to deepen different aspects of voluntary service as a topic of interest and value to the National Societies of Red Cross and Red Crescent.

Movement Red Cross and Red Crescent is a humanitarian organization based on voluntary, which is one of the seven Fundamental Principles.
The strength of the Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent lies in its ability to meet many needs and integrate volunteers in the most diverse. The mission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent is unique, and the wide variety of services provided, demonstrating its ability to adapt.
Code of Ethics and Fundamentals of Voluntary Service is for all volunteers who agree to participate in the Movement's humanitarian mission, in any manner and according to their abilities.
This Code has attempted to compile and update a concise and consistent guidelines and the spirit that should guide those who take and share the responsibilities of the Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent.
This document will help the National Societies of Red Cross and Red Crescent continue to put emphasis on ethics and the preparation of its volunteers at a professional level and to instill in them the spirit of service.
National Societies will help less developed to plan their recruitment campaigns, and allow them to proceed in a more systematic instruct, prepare, attract and retain volunteers in the different levels. At the same time help the more developed national societies maintain a more regular systematic structure in regard to volunteers at the national, regional and local levels.

Basic Principles on the voluntary nature

All volunteers of the Red Cross and Red Crescent is required, as such:
I. Act in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent, and to encourage their dissemination.
II. Respect the rules for Emblem and prevent misuse.
III. fight and work to achieve an optimal level of service.
IV. Fulfill your obligations, without distinction as to nationality, race, sex, political or religious beliefs.
V. Respect people.
VI. Respect the principle of confidentiality and be faithful to the trust of the people they assist.
VII. promote mutual understanding.
VIII. Addressing the needs of others moved by a humanitarian and compassionate spirit.

The seven Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent

Each volunteer is required to act in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Red as proclaimed in 1965 by the XX International Conference of the Red Cross in Vienna and as contained in the Revised Statutes in Geneva in 1986, during the XXV International Conference of the Red Cross
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent, which has given birth to concern bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors, in its international and national, to prevent and alleviate human suffering in all circumstances. Is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human person. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples. Fairness

makes no distinction as to nationality, race, religion, class or political opinions. It endeavors to help the individuals, being guided solely by their needs and prioritizing the most urgent.
order to maintain the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological.

Independence The Movement is independent. Auxiliary to public authorities in the humanitarian and subject to the laws governing their respective countries, National Societies must always maintain their autonomy so that times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement. Voluntary Character

is a voluntary relief movement and unselfish character. Unit
In each country
There can be only one Red Cross Society or the Red Crescent must be accessible to all and to extend its humanitarian work throughout its territory.

Universality The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all Societies have equal rights and duties in helping each other, is universal.

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Anxiety, vacant eyes; should not wait. There calm at this time blind love. Is on edge about any final dance man that will burn your skin. While singing a siren violates a crystal, their desires frivolous; woman without mercy. This in some final edge over shouts the name of the person doing unfaithful. Do not speak of the final end not speak! Almost used meeting untimely cold at the site recorded the sky all you can love. This on the edge. Do not speak of the end for any reason, in silence up from your love story when sea throw ashes of passion; not speak the final, for any reason. (On the Edge, 1998)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

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Oh no, I see, the spider web is tangled up with me and I lost my head, The Thought of all the stupid Things I'd said. Oh no, what's this? The spider web, and 'm caught in the middle , so I turn to run and thought of all the stupid things I'd done .
And I never meant to cause you trouble, I never meant to do you wrong. And ah, well if I ever caused you trouble , Oh no, I never meant to do you harm.
Oh no, I see the spider web, and it's me in the middle, so I twist and turn but her e am I in my little bubble!
Singing out; I never meant to cause you trouble , I never meant to do you wrong . And ah, well if I ever caused you trouble, Oh no, I never meant to do you harm. They spun a web for me, they spun a web for me . (Trouble, 2000)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

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ICRC The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) established for nearly 150 years. Its guiding principle is that war has limits on the conduct of hostilities and the behavior of combatants. Rules designed to establish these limits were signed by virtually all nations of the world and form what is called international humanitarian law, whose basis are the Geneva Conventions.
Statute of the ICRC: a separate category.

Sometimes, the ICRC calls "non-governmental organization (NGO). In fact, it is not, nor is it an international or intergovernmental organization. So what is their status? Gabor Rona, the ICRC's Legal Division explains.

What exactly are NGOs and intergovernmental organizations?
NGOs are private organizations such as associations, federations, unions, institutes and other groups. Not institutions or governments are the result of an intergovernmental agreement. NGOs can play a role in international affairs on the basis of their activities, but usually have neither made nor official status as a basis for their existence or to exercise its actividades.Cuando members or an organization's activities are limited to a specific country, we speak of a national NGO, if their activities across borders, it becomes an international NGO. Among the best known international NGOs include Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Oxfam, etc. The term "international organization" or "intergovernmental organization" implies an association, established by various governments through a treaty, with common purpose them and with their own special agencies to fulfill specific functions. In addition to the rules that define the structure of the organization, there will be provisions for the purpose of the association and the rights and duties of its international organization can miembros.Una universal in scope (such as United Nations, International Organization for Migration) or zonal (Organization of American States, Organization of African Unity, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Unlike NGOs, intergovernmental organizations have, by definition, a role that governments give the basis for its existence and its activities, and enjoy certain working facilities known in diplomatic terms as "privileges and immunities".

And the ICRC?
The ICRC has a hybrid nature. As a private association created under the Code Swiss Civil its actual existence is not dictated by governments. And yet its functions and activities, protect and assist victims of conflict-are dictated by the community of States and based on international law, in particular the Geneva Conventions, which are among the most widely ratified treaties on the world.This is why the ICRC, like any intergovernmental organization, is credited with an "international legal personality" or a separate statute. Enjoys working facilities (privileges and immunities) comparable to the United Nations, its agencies and other intergovernmental organizations. Examples of these facilities include exemption from taxes and customs duties, the inviolability of premises and documents and judicial immunity.
Why is this important?
The ICRC can only do their job of protecting and assisting victims of conflict if it satisfies the principles of impartiality, independence and neutrality. Recognizing the privileges and immunities of the ICRC, States and international organizations confirm compliance with these principles. Thus, in accordance with international law, governments, UN and other organizations widely recognize the privileges and immunities of the ICRC. This means that the ICRC is not considered as private or as NGOs, but as an intergovernmental organization for its work in accordance with its mandate internacional.La legal basis for the privileges and immunities of the ICRC is reflected in different ways, including:
Headquarters Agreement between the ICRC and governments, or state law. In the nearly 80 countries where the ICRC important activities, recognized international legal personality, judicial immunity and testimonial immunity (the right not to appear as a witness) by treaty or by law.
judicial decisions. Several national and international courts have ruled on the judicial immunity and testimonial immunity. Recently, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia established the difference between the ICRC and NGOs referring to international law and international legal status, including their right not to testify. The Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Criminal Court, recently established, also reflect the views of the hundred who drafted the document states that the ICRC enjoys testimonial immunity.
United Nations and other international organizations. The ICRC obtained observer status in the UN General Assembly and enjoys a similar status in other international and intergovernmental organizations.
Source: ICRC

Monday, December 1, 2008

Jennifer Lopez Fotos Trasero

Hey, let once all the rancor and we feel that is so easy to believe in love when you have, meaning of pain! Your voice feels me as touch, your voice, that sound that captivates! know that at least it is madness, your voice.
Hey, let's make it back the doubts that fill us suffer and see how easy it is to create together an own sun that illuminates the future . (Your Voice, 2004)