Sunday, August 17, 2008
Red Circle On Tip Of Tongue
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent welcomes the decision of the Diplomatic Conference convened in Geneva to adopt the Third Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions on the create an additional emblem alongside the red cross emblem and the red crescent, red crystal.
From the nineteenth century , the red cross and red crescent are the universal symbols of relief provided to victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters. Unfortunately, in some contexts, these emblems, which are visible signs of absolute neutrality the humanitarian mission, do not have the proper respect. In addition, some states do not identify with any of these emblems.
each State Party to the Geneva Conventions of 1949
is required to adopt national laws with the aim of
regulate the use of emblems and prevent and punish
unauthorized use of same in time of peace or armed conflict
. Prevention and repression of misuse of the emblems
can not be achieved solely through the
regulatory actions or criminal.
national authorities should also undertake to inform the public
, companies and the medical community about using
because of the emblems.
National Societies are also cooperating
with public authorities to ensure proper use of the emblems.
The emblems indicate that a person or property are linked to the Movement. In such cases, the emblems must display additional information (eg name or initial National Society). Its size should be small and not be placed on armlets or on the roofs of buildings, to avoid confusion with the emblem used as a protector.
- health services and religious personnel of armed forces;
- medical personnel, units and transports of NS, when made available to health services armed forces, subject to military laws and regulations;
- the express permission of the government and under its control, hospitals and civilian medical units, volunteer aid societies, medical facilities and staff and the civilian medical transports assigned to the care and transport
wounded, sick and shipwrecked.
In peacetime
- staff health and religious services of the armed forces;
- health facilities and transportation of National Societies must operate as such, with the consent of the authorities in case of armed conflict.
The ICRC and the International Federation are allowed to use emblems at all times (in times of peace and war) and without restriction. The three emblems
can be used as a protective In Protocol III states that health services and religious personnel of armed forces of a State may temporarily use any emblem recognized, without prejudice to their current emblems, if this may enhance protection. The ICRC
, the International Federation and its authorized staff shall retain their current names and emblems.
however, may use, in exceptional circumstances and to facilitate its work, the red crystal.
INDICATIVE USE ABOUT " Are entitled to use the emblems?
In times of armed conflict
- National Societies
- International Federation
- the ICRC
In peacetime
- agencies, people and assets linked to one of the components of the Movement: the National Societies, the ICRC and the International Federation;
- ambulances and first aid stations exclusively assigned to the free assistance of the wounded and sick, as an exceptional measure, in accordance with national legislation and with the express authorization of the National Society.
accordance with national legislation, National Societies may use one of these emblems both nationally and abroad. National Society use the red cross or red crescent as his symbol of identification may temporarily use the red crystal as an indication, in exceptional circumstances and to facilitate their work, both nationally and abroad.
National Societies who decide to adopt the red crystal as its identifying mark may incorporate within it one of the recognized emblems or a combination of these emblems. May also be incorporated within other distinguishing red crystal that has been used effectively and that is the subject of a communication to the other States Parties to the Geneva Conventions and the ICRC before the adoption of Protocol III .
Allmisuse of the emblems may diminish their protective value and maintaining the effectiveness of humanitarian aid.
The use of any sign which, because of its shape and / or color, can be confused with one of the emblems.
The use of a distinctive mark in violation of relevant rules of international humanitarian law. The use of an emblem by persons or entities not entitled to do so (commercial enterprises, pharmacists, private doctors, NGOs, individuals) or for purposes not in conformity with the Fundamental Principles of the Movement.
The use of the distinctive emblem during armed conflict to protect combatants or war materials and with intent to deceive the adversary. The perfidious use of the emblem is considered a war crime when death or serious personal injury.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
How Much To Install A New Tub
In a world where isolation tensions and use violence are increasing, it is necessary that the Red Cross and Red Crescent advocate for the individual and community values \u200b\u200bthat infuse respect for all human beings and generate the will to work together to find solutions to the problems of comunidad.La International Federation has adopted a consistent and inspiring to promote humanitarian values \u200b\u200band the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. It was determined that the dissemination of these principles and values \u200b\u200bform one of the four core areas of work for each National Society and the International Federation, under Strategy 2010.
promote understanding within the Red Cross and Red Crescent.
will be undertaken new initiatives to ensure volunteers and employees of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Fundamental Principles understand and act according to them in their work with vulnerable people in times of peace, disasters or armed conflicts. Among the training topics included: the legal and ideological bases of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, the process and the mandate of decision making and communication and relationships with other parties. More information on training tools (English)
Sensitize the authorities of the public and private spheres.
If we can ensure that the authorities understand how the Red Cross and Red Crescent will generate better cooperation. For example, inform about operational procedures, the law and the status of National Societies and to reinforce the need to respect the emblem are key elements in building strong bonds of cooperation.
Influencing the behavior of the community.
is in the application of these principles and values \u200b\u200bin our work with communities and vulnerable groups that highlights its importance. With its experience and operational capacity Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies can play the role of catalyst for change and change the way people behave with each other. The following values \u200b\u200bare set as external diffusion Movement considers crucial.
- the protection of life, health and human dignity
- respect for human
- the discrimination based on nationality, race, sex, religious beliefs, class or political opinions.
- mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace among all peoples
- volunteering
Strep After Antibiotics Canrecure
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent is the largest humanitarian network in the world. Neutral and impartial, the Movement provides protection and assistance to people affected by disasters and armed conflicts.
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is comprised of different components guided by the same fundamental principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.